This morning I was officially founded by Bianca and Ana kidnapped for brunch. Really wanted to Cheesecake Factory, but that still did not have to. Have us be fully defeated at COSI's stomach and are then geschlürt in Friendship Heights a bit through the streets. Then we had to pick up again our kids from school. Encouraging walking to school more quickly stopped at Sara, congratulations picked up and get a wonderful cupcake from 'Georgetown Cupcakes' - super tasty! I unfortunately had to eat quite quickly, because I would otherwise melted away! (Good excuse)
The school was then this afternoon summer party music, German food and ideas from the kids was actually quite funny. Did the sun and enjoyed the atmosphere. When I got home then gabs mail from home, which is perfectly legally arrived just today. But I can tell you that I from home just what else am used to. Here in America, the traditions birthday, at least in my family totally different. Was very difficult for me to cope, but next year will indeed all be different again, which I'm very happy!
Best wishes at this point to my grandma, who had on June 16 birthday. Unfortunately they could not reach by phone, so try again ego in this way. Happy birthday afterwards!
My previous gifts, I am particularly pleased about the visit on September 21, TV-Total! I always wanted to and find it unbelievable that the girls have given me that. Thanks again - am looking forward rieeeesig if we go together then! Only 77 days and I'm back home!
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