Hi love your!
worth after so few episodes is hardly a long farewell speech.
I moved to Cologne in the short term (see orangfy.blogspot.com) and therefore it makes little sense to have lead MUNICH PerlenPod to the next. The Podcasterwelt I certainly have not long turned their backs on the 1000 ideas bubbling, which is really out of it because I can tell you still are missing.
Without any event I would tip you but do not let go, on the contrary. From 23.10. to 27.10. Jazz is the day of JIM in Freiheizhalle, and at 23.10. place this year from LabelDay ENJA RECORDS instead of three really good Giggs.
If you have time go out!
Have fun there and tell me as it was, because I can not live ...
(The pictures are actually blue and yellow ... I can not even explain the why the zerschießt so often)?
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